Wednesday, December 21, 2011

PANAMA: Epilogue

The Canopy Family of ecolodges has provided us with a very memorable trip.  The staff was excellent, especially our knowledgeable, tireless, and good-natured guides.

Many of the guests at the Canopy will leave with a bird list of more than 300 new birds sighted.  A "sighting" may only be a second long in poor light, through heavy vegetation, or far in the distance.  On the other hand, obtaining quality images of the wildlife requires a much different approach by the photographer.  One might spend hours to obtain a single image with satisfactory lighting and free of significant obstructive limbs, leaves, etc.  In the rain forest, this is particularly challenging especially with smaller creatures rapidly jumping from limb to limb in the dense undergrowth.   Thus, after 8 days of birding, our list numbered "only" about 140 species with more than 50 very good images -- still quite a respectable yield considering the adverse weather.    Adding the great encounters with sloths, porcupine, and tamarins to this collection of birds,  we would recommend a visit to friendly Panama for the wildlife enthusiast.

Photographic Equipment used for this trip: 
Bodies:  Canon EOS 7D
Lenses:   ** Canon 800 mm f/4,  300 mm f/2.8,  1.4x Extender, 28 - 135 mm f/3.5 - 5.6
Flash:  Canon Speedlight 580EX II

We will resume this blog after our trip to Costa Rica's Monteverde region in the spring.
Happy Holidays!